1 min readJun 8, 2022






7:22 am

While monitoring the security camera, I saw my employee June run back to the building. She looked extremely worried, so this startled me. I unlocked the main door and waited for her to come rushing into the office.

While I waited, I decided to check on Helena. Her officers stood quietly in the Segenic Room, staring at her floating body through a large glass window. She had been in for about three hours now, and her agents had been patiently standing there, watching her ever since.

It was creepy.

It took June longer than expected to enter, so by now I was even more worried. I walked into the room. “Excuse me, mister… um,” I looked at the group of 6 large men in black MDS suits.

They looked back at me.

“Um, my employee June came running into the building 4 minutes ago, but she hasn’t entered the office yet. Could one of you maybe go check up on her?”

The men stood there and continued glaring at me as if I were joking.

The door to my office then slid open, and I heard what sounded like a large group of soldiers rushing in.

“Nobody move,” An unknown man said as Helena’s officers pulled their weapons and motioned towards the electrical room in the back.

“We’re here for one thing. Show me where she is, and no one ends up like this poor lady we found in the elevator.”


We ran to the back room, and cut the electricity off.




Undergraduate college student, fiction story-teller, poet, and musician. Led by God. For business/management email cbonwuagba@aggies.ncat.edu